If you are an independent professional or solo consultant, how should you use getting published to increase revenues? First, understand that generating leads is an investment and should be measured like any other investment.  Next, quit wasting money on ineffective means like 9273910_sbrochures, advertising and sponsorships.  The best marketing investment you can make is to get help creating informative websites, hosting persuasive seminars, booking speaking engagements, and getting published as a newsletter columnist and eventually as a book author.

The first challenge for professionals, consultants and small business owners is creating new clients. There is a proven process for marketing with integrity and getting a 400 percent to 2000 percent return on your marketing investment. To attract new clients, the best approach is the Educating Expert Model that demonstrates your expertise by giving away valuable information through writing and speaking. In addition, you can increase closing rates up to 50 percent to 100 percent by discovering and rehearsing the right questions to ask prospective clients.

Here are some of the key benefits of following the Educating Expert Model:

  • Allows your message to be heard above the noise of all the other professionals and consultants
  • Systematizes your marketing with a proactive, monthly approach that is simple and affordable to implement
  • Makes it easier for your clients and business advocates to refer potential clients to you
  • Creates multiple streams of income because prospects actually pay for you to market to them
  • Increases closing rates up to 50 percent to 100 percent by discovering and rehearsing the right questions to ask prospective clients
  • Produces all-help, no-hype marketing you actually feel proud to communicate
  • Quits wasting money on ineffective tactics like brochures, sponsorships and cold-calling
  • Leverages your time so you get more results in less time

What do you think? Are you already an educating expert?


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