The Chutzpah Advantage
Mason HarrisWith Great Chutzpah Comes Great Responsibility
How would you describe chutzpah? Does it include persuasion? Leadership? Perseverance? Risk? Reward? Intestinal fortitude?
There is a skillset, a set of behaviors and characteristics fundamental to business, team, and personal success.
This skillset is called “chutzpah,” and it will give you a decided advantage when used for constructive purposes.
Simply put, that is the purpose of this book, The Chutzpah Advantage.
Could chutzpah be your undeveloped hidden talent, your below-the-surface superpower? It is for many people from all walks of life! Cab drivers who deliver passengers to hospitals during COVID. Successful people whose lives changed when they stopped listening to others – even paid experts – and chose a different path. Medical researchers who defy established doctrine and scientifically demonstrate new treatment protocols, only to continue fighting an uphill battle. Authors and artists who turn every “no” into a steadfast resolve to continue knocking on different doors. And, of course, people and companies whose bold vision, ideas, and implementation lead to stratospheric success.
In The Chutzpah Advantage, Mason Harris guides you through eight key chutzpah characteristics and shows you how to apply them to live a bigger, bolder, and better life. Blending specific behaviors with existing personality traits, chutzpah is a path for superior results at home, work, teams, and companies. Filled with real-life examples, humorous anecdotes, and practical applications, this book will entertain and inspire.

Mason Harris
MASON HARRIS runs a speaking business in the Washington DC area. Born in New York City, he is the son of immigrants from Eastern Europe who viewed America as the land of opportunity, not entitlement. When not sharing the bene ts of chutzpah, he also enjoys stand-up comedy, and pestering friends and colleagues for their inspirational stories.
Praise for The Chutzpah Advantage
“Does your organization have a culture that encourages seizing the day, appropriate risktaking, persistence, and an expectation for bold, audacious behavior? It will after your read The Chutzpah Advantage.”
“The Chutzpah Advantage is a groundbreaking work that delivers a compelling message on courage, boldness, and success. Mason Harris shares inspiring, practical insights in this energizing book.”
“Good things do NOT come to those who wait; good things come to those who initiate. That’s what this book teaches you to do. Read it and reap.”