Rock Star Dental Assistant
Tija HunterEmbrace Your Inner Rock Star
How exactly do you create value? How can you make yourself more valuable to your practice—and more importantly, more valuable to yourself?
You are invited: Take the journey to become a rock star dental assistant who gets more appreciation, respect, and satisfaction.
Rock Star Dental Assistant will show you how to embrace the leader within and take pride in your important role within the dental office. This book is full or practical tips and personal stories that will both entertain and inspire you.

Tija Hunter
Tija Hunter, CDA, EFDA, CDIA, CDSO, MADAA, began her dental assisting career in 1981 and has never looked back. Being named one of the Top 25 Women in Dentistry in 2015 by Dental Products Report was one of the highlights of her career. She is a former vice president of the American Dental Assistants Association, where she holds the honor of Master. She has worked in her current office for fifteen years in O’Fallon, Missouri, as an office manager and dental assistant. Hunter’s love of traveling takes her all over the world, where she speaks to dental assistants and dental teams.
Learn more about Tija as a speaker.
Praise for Rock Star Dental Assistant
“Rock Star Dental Assistant is more than a guide to being an ideal dental assistant. It’s a pathway to creating an amazing life. Tija Hunter shares her incredible story and inspires dental assistants to dare and dream beyond what they thought possible
in their career and life. Her message will speak to every member of the dental team. This is a must-read!”
“Tija Hunter is THE shining example for dental assistants on how to turn your
career into something amazing. Tija’s journey captured my attention a long time ago and I am so thrilled she is sharing her “secrets of success” with dental assistants
throughout the world.
This book will leave assistants inspired and ready to not only tackle the day, but their entire career. It is simply must-read by one of the most powerful advocates dental assistants have today.”
“Following Tija’s lifelong journey and the lessons she learned along the way will
shape the way all dental professionals look at their daily gift of being in the profession she loves and to which she is dedicated.”