Eldercare Confidential
Eldercare Confidential is for the caregivers and caretakers who are often thrust into the role of fiduciary, either by legal appointment or by assuming the role because of their relationship to the elderly person who needs caretaking. Typically, this is a close relative, like a parent. The duties of a fiduciary spelled out by laws include loyalty and reasonable care of the assets within custody. This is more than a moral responsibility; this is a legal obligation.

Chris Cooper
Chris Cooper, CFP®, is a California Licensed Professional Fiduciary. As a professional fiduciary, Chris works with seniors, disabled individuals and others who can’t manage their affairs on their own. He assists them with everything from day-to-day financial issues to investment and estate management. Chris is also the founder of Eldercare Advocates, which provides geriatric care management and long-term-care consulting.
Praise for Eldercare Confidential
“Chris Cooper lays out clear steps and insights from experience that can help both those in need of long-term care solutions and caregivers make informed decisions and financial plans.”
“Thank goodness for Chris Cooper’s excellent, straight-forward and highly informative Eldercare Confidential. For the first time an acknowledged expert has assembled an invaluable, easy-to-read, how-to guide for successfully navigating the legal, financial, psychological, and emotional challenges connected to taking care of one’s parents as they grow older.”
“Chris Cooper’s expertise and insight as an eldercare advocate has been indispensable as my brother and I are assuming the care of our parents. The process is emotionally charged as roles are reversing, but using his book as a reference can help anyone step back from the emotions to make informed decisions that will be in the best interest of the elders they are guiding. This book is a must have for anyone facing this journey.”