The CI-Driven CEO
Gary D. Maag and David J. KalinowskiA Little Leadership Story about a Powerful Competitive Intelligence Idea
The CI-Driven CEO illustrates how Competitive Intelligence (CI) is an essential function, not an overhead expense, that helps identify opportunities and reduce risk by uncovering critical insights senior executives can use to improve strategic decision making.
In this story, Jack, the imperfect Chief Competitive Officer of Hewitt Games, faces a huge challenge when an unexpected competitor enters the scene and threatens the lifeblood of his company. When he is appointed the interim CEO, he must find a way to create a truly embedded, CI-friendly culture, and develop a strategy to outmaneuver the competition before all is lost.

Gary D. Maag and David J. Kalinowski
GARY D. MAAG (left) AND DAVID J. KALINOWSKI (right), are the co-founders of Proactive Worldwide, Inc. and have been leaders in the business research community for over thirty years. They have directed global CI engagements for dozens of Fortune 500 companies, assisted C-suite leaders in building their in-house intelligence capability, and informed numerous advisory and executive boards on highly sensitive CI strategy development, war-gaming, and training initiatives. Maag and Kalinowski are both recipients of the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) Catalyst Award for contributions to the profession.
Praise for The CI-Driven CEO
“Gary Maag and David Kalinowski demonstrate again their CI Expertise with this bold call for future CEOs to have a competitive intelligence background.”
“This engaging book should get any executive to drive action to deeply embed CI into their company culture and into the mindset of the entire leadership team. CI was certainly a critical factor in our company becoming #1 in our industry in Egypt.”
“David and Gary continue to make CI understandable—in a fun and insightful read—enormous opportunities for CEOs and all managers alike.”