Boost Your GrowthDNA
Margaret ReynoldsHow Strategic Leaders Use Growth Genetics to Drive Sustainable Business Performance
Like humans, organizations also have distinct DNA—a genetic imprint that determines outcomes. It is the invisible force that can help—or hurt—in achieving growth goals. Fortunately, your business DNA can be altered over its lifetime to drive transformational growth results. GrowthDNA will help you discover your organizational DNA and rethink your approach to strategic growth, giving you the framework to achieve significant success.

Margaret Reynolds
Margaret Reynolds is the founder and owner of Breakthrough Masters Unlimited, a division of Reynolds Consulting, LLC. Reynolds is a recognized expert at helping middlemarket companies identify and implement nextstage growth. Reynolds, whose first career chapter included senior leadership at Hallmark Cards, is also the author of Reignite: How Everyday Companies Spark Next Stage Growth.
Praise for Boost Your GrowthDNA
“Margaret Reynolds is a true expert with a fresh and powerfully effective results-oriented business growth philosophy. If you are a growth-minded business leader, this is a must-read book.”
“From scorecards to techniques, you will be armed with the essentials of effective business performance. This book is short, easy to read and right to the point. And no one understands business growth better than Margaret Reynolds.”
“The most overlooked attribute in leadership is how a leader leads. This is a book long overdue in leadership circles. Margaret challenges leaders to strengthen the GrowthDNA of their business by focusing on how they lead.”